The Entrepreneurship Program (funded by the Government of Canada’s Settlement Program)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

• This Program supports the endeavours of entrepreneurs from international French-speaking countries who wish to immigrate to Manitoba’s bilingual municipalities.
• This initiative includes evaluation of entrepreneurship profile, business plan development, market studies, marketing plan, business management support, advice and support for business accounting and help with expansion projects

MOA Between the PHL and the Kingdom of Bahrain on Health Services Cooperation

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The MOA between the Philippines and Bahrain is aimed at creating alliances between the Philippines and Bahrain's recognized healthcare and educational institutions to produce sustainable international education, training and professional/technical development programs. The agreement includes the Exchange of Human Resources for Health, Scholarships Program and Academic Cooperation on Human Resources for Health and among others.

Education for Migrants

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Thailand developed the National Education For All Plan of Action (EFA) for the period 2002-2015 to ensure that all persons shall enjoy their right to receive at least twelve years of a free, quality education provided by the government. One objective of the plan is that the provision of EFA is specifically aimed at disadvantaged groups including children without citizenship and those of an ethnic minority.

Campaign of prevention and guidance for the migration of boys, girls and adolescents: What happens? What do I do?

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

This campaign is aimed at children and their families to have a clear, simple and precise information about the steps of the migration processes in United States; explaining what happens to the child when he or she is arrested by entering United States irregularly, addressing migratory processes of detention in that country, stay in the shelter, family reunification, special visas and deportation. It also communicates about the risk of migrating unauthorized, encouraging informed decisions within the framework of the right to migrate.

Plan of the Alliance for the Prosperity of the Northern Triangle

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The plan promotes the coordination and inter-linkage of actions over a 5 year horizon (2016-2020) and seeks to give people incentives to stay in their own countries by means of structural change that offers economic opportunities and transforms the citizen’s of the Northern Triangle of Central America quality of life, mainly in regions affected by the highest rates of poverty, migration and vulnerability.

Plan of Action for the Implementation of the National Comprehensive Migration Policy

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

As Nicaraguan labor migrants have consolidated in specific economic niches, and as immigration levels have stabilized, the Costa Rican government has shifted its focus from enforcement to integration. Passage of the General Law on Migration and Foreigners in 2010 and subsequent executive decrees in 2011-13 have constituted the most recent steps toward creating a comprehensive policy framework on immigration, together with a action plan.

Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

 As an example of South-South capacity building at a bilateral level: Cuba offers training of health personnel to other developing countries, for example through its Latin American School of Medicine, which produces more than 2000 graduate doctors every year for Latin America and the Caribbean; and its brigades of health professionals to fill resource gaps in poorer countries.

Overseas Korean Foundation (OKF)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Overseas Korean Foundation uses the capabilities of overseas Koreans for national development in line with its globalization policy.

The project aims to build the foundations of educating human resources who can make contributions to the development of overseas Korean societies as well as in the motherland by finding the next generation talents of excellent overseas Koreans.

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