Bilateral Agreement on Circular Migration between Canada and Mauritius - Placement in Canada

Submitted by Mr. Ace Paolo … on

Mauritius has the opportunity to capitalise on migration as a tool for social development and economic growth. 

Mauritius became a member of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2006 with a view to getting the assistance of the organization for Labour Migration. Consequently, as from 2007, IOM has been assisting the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training (MLIRET) in facilitating the placement of Mauritian jobseekers in Canada. 

Global Concessional Financing Facility Trust Fund (GCFF)

Submitted by Ms. Kayle Giroud on

The World Bank developed the GCFF financing mechanism to support middle-income countries receiving refugees through beneficial loans. Currently, GCFF supports Jordan and Lebanon, which has received a large number of Syrian refugees. The facility has also been expanded to provide support for other middle-income countries receiving refugees (the global window).

Migrants and cities: Stepping beyond World Migration Report 2015 (World Migration Report 2018 Chapter 10)

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This contribution is a chapter of the World Migration Report 2018.

This chapter examines the significant role of cities in shaping migratory trajectories and in the governance of migration, highlighting key challenges and areas where migration management can be improved.

Global Migration Governance: Existing Architecture and Recent Developments (World Migration Report 2018 Chapter 5)

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This contribution is a chapter of the World Migration Report 2018.

This chapter examines the developments in international cooperation on migration in the recent years and provides an overview of the fundamental normative and institutional landscape of migration governance.

Border Security, Migration Governance and Sovereignty (Migration Research Leaders Syndicate Paper)

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This paper is part of the IOM Migration Research Leaders Syndicate’s contribution toward the Global Compact for Migration. It is one of 26 papers that make up a consolidated Syndicate publication focused on proposing ways to address complex and pressing issues in contemporary international migration. The Migration Research Leaders Syndicate, convened as part of IOM’s efforts to extend policy and technical expertise in support of the Global Compact for Migration, comprises senior researchers from diverse geographic, disciplinary and thematic backgrounds. 

How Does Migration Arise? (Migration Research Leaders Syndicate Paper)

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In technical papers such as this one, Syndicate members were invited to identify and propose ways to resolve key conundrums currently posing challenges to international migration governance. To hone their proposals, they benefited from the input of advisors with experience in bridging policy and research, whether as senior non-migration scholars, former policy makers or prominent practitioners. The papers are short and crisp contributions that provide evidence-based, innovative ideas to improve international cooperation on fostering safe, orderly and regular migration.

In Each Other’s Shoes: Making Migration Policies Equitable Across Borders (Migration Research Leaders Syndicate Paper)

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In technical papers such as this one, Syndicate members were invited to identify and propose ways to resolve key conundrums currently posing challenges to international migration governance. To hone their proposals, they benefited from the input of advisors with experience in bridging policy and research, whether as senior non-migration scholars, former policy makers or prominent practitioners. The papers are short and crisp contributions that provide evidence-based, innovative ideas to improve international cooperation on fostering safe, orderly and regular migration.

Presidential Regulation on the management of refugees

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In 2016, the Goverment of Indonesia adopted a presidential regulation on the management of refugees from other countries. The Regulation states that the Government works with UNHCR and IOM in managing refugees in Indonesia.

Under the Perpres, the handling of refugees is coordinated by the Minister (which deals with political, legal, and security affairs). The coordination is in the formulation of policies including: a. Discovery; b. Shelter; c. Security; and d. Immigration Supervision.

Intergovernmental consultations on migration asylum and refugees (IGC)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The IGC is an informal, non-decision making forum for intergovernmental information exchange and policy debate on issues of relevance to the management of international migratory flows.

The IGC brings together 16 Participating States, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration and the European Commission. The Participating States are Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States of America.

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