CLANDESTINO - Undocumented Migration: Counting the Uncountable Data and Trends Across Europe

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Clandestino is an interdisciplinary project aiming to support policy makers in designing and implementing appropriate policies regarding undocumented migration. It covers 11 EU countries, provides an inventory and a critical appraisal of data and estimates related to undocumented migration in the European Union and selected Member States.

Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

MIPEX is a fully interactive tool and reference guide to assess, compare and improve integration policy. MIPEX is produced by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (independent think tank) and the Migration Policy Group (European NGO), with funding support from the European Union (CrossMigration project) and the Centre for Global Development Europe. The project also collaborates with a variety of other partners, including academics. 

Extended Migration Profile of the Republic of Moldova

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The National Bureau of Statistics in Moldova is gathering information about Migration in three national surveys:

  • Labour Force Migration (2012, 2013),
  • Labour Force Survey (quarterly) and
  • Research on Household Budget (quarterly).

Every Survey focuses on different aspects of Migration (labour, remittances use, etc...), contributing important data to the IOM Extended Migration Profile (EMP) Report of the Republic of Moldova released in 2012.

OECD Database on Migrants in OECD Countries

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This database is based on censuses of OECD countries and provides comprehensive and comparative information on a broad range of demographic and labour market characteristics of immigrants living in OECD countries. It is helpful to better understand migrant characteristics and inform policy development in this regard: highly qualified migration and brain drain issues, available skills and qualifications among diaspora members, localization and so on. 

Interagency Working Group

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Ghana has formed an interagency working group that led to the creation of its migration profile and, in the process, also to skills training, institutional strengthening and better cooperation between and among the government, academic institutions and civil society.

Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN) programme enables the Diaspora of the targeted countries to contribute to the reconstruction and development of countries of origin. The objective of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and to stimulate economic development by strengthening the institutional capacities of both public and private organisations.

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