Official Name
Republic of Niger
ISO2 Code
ISO3 Code
16 00 N
8 00 E
POINT (8 16)
Attended Meeting
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.2 "Joint Strategies to Address Irregular Migration" 
  • Team Member in RT 3.3 "How can RCPs and Inter-regional better include the migration and development nexus" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.1 "Supporting National Development through Migration Mainstreaming Processes, Extended Migration Profiles and Poverty Reduction Strategies" 
  • Team Member in RT 2.2 "Addressing South-South Migration and Development Policies" 
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Operationalizing Mainstreaming of Migration in Development Policy and Integrating Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda" on 22 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recognizing the contributions of women migrants to economic and social development in countries of origin and destination and addressing their specific needs, particularly concerning respect for their human rights" on 8 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Harmonious Societies" on 18 May 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
- Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Peace, Stability and Growth" on 19 July 2016 in New York, United States.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.2 "Fostering the development impact of returning migrants"
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit

Free Movement in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group of fifteen countries, founded in 1975. Its mission is to promote economic integration in "all fields of economic activity, particularly industry, transport, telecommunications, energy, agriculture, natural resources, commerce, monetary and financial questions, social and cultural matters .....".

ECOWAS has introduced the ECOWAS Passport and APEC has put in place an APEC-visa for certain categories of people to facilitate their movement in these groupings' member States. 

Strengthening African and Middle Eastern Diaspora Policy through South-South Exchange (AMEDIP)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

'Strengthening African and Middle Eastern Diaspora Policy through South-South Exchange' (AMEDIP) is a project of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), developed and implemented within the framework of the Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration (MTM). More specifically, AMEDIP builds directly upon the previous MTM initiative 'Linking Emigrant Communities for More Development - Inventory of Institutional Capacities and Practices', implemented by ICMPD and IOM in the period 2009 - 2010.


The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue.

The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country.

The profiles give access to a plethora of information sources through hyperlinks and they cover the following thematic areas:


The strategy for implementing the 10th European Development Fund (EDF, 2008-2013) in Niger is based on two key objectives:


CARIM – Migration Profile

  • The Demographic-Economic Framework of Migration
  • The Legal Framework of Migration
  • The Socio-Political Framework of Migration

Report written by: Anna Di Bartolomeo, Thibaut Jaulin and Delphine Perrin on the basis of CARIM database and publications.


Le faible niveau de développement du Niger a engendré plus d’émigration que d’immigration, au cours des 10 dernières années. La longue crise économique que le pays a connue, notamment des années 1980 et 1990, a contribué à ralentir le rythme d’accroissement du stock des immigrants internationaux du fait de la réduction des opportunités d'emploi au Niger. Toutefois, on pourrait s'attendre à une augmentation progressive des immigrants internationaux en raison de la reprise économique progressive et des perspectives économiques très prometteuses qui s'ouvrent au Niger.

Diaspora Forum (Niger)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The 1st Diaspora Forum of Niger was jointly organized in 2012 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IOM for the people of Niger living abroad. In discussions with the government, civil society, development partners and financial institutions, Diaspora actors looked at their role and contributions to the country's economic and social development.

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