Bilateral partnership on migration between Switzerland and Nigeria

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Switzerland and Nigeria have had a successful migration partnership framework for more than 5 years. It includes return migration management as part of the framework. 

In 2011, Switzerland and Nigeria concluded a migration partnership, which is a centrepiece of their relations. Together the two States have undertaken to promote the positive aspects of migration and to fight its negative sides.

Online Portal "Returning from Germany"

Submitted by GFMD Info on

The online portal "Returning from Germany" is a best practice example in the context of voluntary return policies which will be discussed at the Roundtable 2.2. The portal informs migrants in Germany about the option of a voluntary return and existing support possibilities, facilitates pre-departure counselling and transparency and links to post-arrival and reintegration assistance.

Case Study #14: Mitigation of caste-based and ethnic exclusion in rural areas through migration and development

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

This case study forms part of a series of case studies on good practices, lessons learnt and recommendations extracted from the projects supported by the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) to enhance migration management for local development. The experience of the JMDI shows that the most effective initiatives are anchored with local or regional authorities and carried out in a multi-stakeholder and participatory approach, including migrants and migrants’ associations or diaspora.


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

IASCI-NEXUS Moldova is an initative encompassing private sector, migrants' interest and local public administration in order to give direct advice and counseling to the migrants to reduce all plausible risks and provide assistance to migrants to manage their costs. The overall objective of NEXUS Moldova is to foster links between migration and development at the local level, by developing durable capacities and systematic collaboration among national and sub-national authorities, civil society and private-sector stakeholders

Valetta Action plan

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Following the Valetta Summit on Migration, the EU agreed on the Valetta Action plan --an extensive, balanced and efficient implementation plan built around five priority fields:

  • addressing root causes of irregular migration
  • promoting legal migration and mobility
  • reinforcing of protection
  • preventing and fighting smuggling and human trafficking
  • strengthening cooperation in return and reintegration.

Diaspora Engagement Hub

Submitted by system admin on

On the 12th of February 2016, the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) of the State Chancellery of Moldova, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM Moldova) and the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), launched the Diaspora Engagement Hub – a new program of thematic grants for Moldovan citizens abroad, including diaspora associations and initiative groups.

Russian Concept of the State Migration Policy (planning until 2025)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Russian activities in the field of migration management are grounded on the concept of the state migration policy up to 2025, approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2012. The Concept is a set of opinions and ideas as regards the content, principles and main areas of activity with regard to migration.

The main directions for Russia’s state migration policy are:

Assist Well Programme

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The government’s "Assist WELL" Program caters to returning Filipino migrant workers displaced from their jobs due to war, epidemic, calamities, and other critical situations at their worksites.

The acronym WELL refers to 'Welfare, Employment, Livelihood, and Legal services' offered by the Labor Department to overseras Filipinos workers, with the participation of its attached agencies. 

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