Multidisciplinary Coordinating Group against Trafficking in Human Beings

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In order to address in a consistent and comprehensive way the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings (THB), Cyprus has established by law a Multidisciplinary Coordinating Group (MCG). The MCG, which is chaired by the Minister of Interior as the National Coordinator, has being assigned with the task to coordinate and, among other issues, monitor the implementation of the measures that are taken against THB.

Integrated legislative approach: bills for asylum seekers, anti-human trafficking and immigration.

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The asylum seekers bill aims to ensure the protection for all people having fear of persecution because of their race and ethnicity. The anti-human trafficking bill has the objective of criminalizing human trafficking and protecting its victims. The bill on immigration aims to regulate entry and residence of people in Morocco. 

General Directorate for Migration Management (GDMM)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

A substantial change introduced by the new law on Foreigners and International Protection (Law No. 6458) in 2013 is the centralization of migration policy development within a newly created General Directorate for Migration Management (GDMM). The Directorate will serve as a coordinating force for implementation of the new law, taking over from and adding duties to those of the General Directorate of Security. The GDMM’s responsibilities are wide ranging.

Coordination Centers for Sea Fisheries Workers

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

There are measures to prevent human trafficking in the fishery industry by establishing Coordination Centers for Sea Fishery Workers with the purpose to coordinate whose workers are allowed to work legally, to set up a system for controlling, monitoring and protecting workers as well as to provide knowledge to employers and workers to acknowledge their rights, as well as to prevent labour shortage and forced labour as a form of human trafficking.

Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The UK Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) was set up to protect workers from exploitation. The  licensing scheme regulates businesses who provide workers to the fresh produce supply chain and horticulture industry, to make sure they meet the employment standards required by law. Employment agencies, labour providers or gangmasters who provide workers to agriculture, horticulture, shellfish gathering and any associated processing and packaging sectors need a GLA license. 

UK 2007 Government’s Action Plan to Tackle Human Trafficking

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The UK Government’s Action Plan published in 2007 sets out a comprehensive strategy to tackle human trafficking and protect and support its victims. Provisions exist for a formal ID and referral process, a reflection period, minimum levels of support and temporary residence in certain circumstances.

The National Committee on Combating Trafficking in Children and Women

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The 2008 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act created a National Committee on Combating Trafficking in Children and Women under the National Youth Commission of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) to coordinate all anti-trafficking efforts.

It has the following tasks: 

The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

In February 2008, Thailand enacted the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, which broadens the definition of exploitation to include sexual exploitation, production and distribution of pornography, slavery, forced begging, forced labour, trade in organs, or other similar forms of exploitation. It applies to all persons regardless of their legal status.

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