Promoting Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The project works with Nepal's Ministry of Labour and Pakistan's Ministry of Human Resources to promote well-managed labour migration from South Asia. It works to ensure effective protection of the rights of vulnerable migrant workers and enhance the development impact of labour migration and reduce irregular flows. Specific objetives include:

a) providing reliable information on overseas employment opportunities and capacity building for job matching;

Labour Governance & Migration Project (2012 - 2014)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This is a multi-country technical cooperation project to strengthen labour market governance and improve the development impact of labour migration within the Pacific. The effort is working to build capacity of governments, unions, businesses and local communities to provide return migrant workers with effective reintegration services, based on identified needs. Good practices relating to pre-departure services will also be identified and promoted.

Wage Earner's Welfare Fund for Migrant Workers

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Welfare Fund for Migrant Workers ensures the welfare of migrant workers through pre-departure briefings, a welfare desk at the airport and language skills training for nurses, garment workers and hotel staff. This fund was created in 1990. The Wage Earners' Welfare Fund (WEWF) is a single trust fund pooled from the mandatory membership contributions of migrant workers, investment and interest income on these funds, and income from other sources. The WEWF's main purpose is to ensure the welfare of migrant workers by financing various activities.

Ministry of Expatriate Welfare & Overseas Employment

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Ministry of Expatriates Welfare & Overseas Employment was established in 2001 by the Government of Bangladesh with the main objective to ensure the welfare of expatriate workers and enhance overseas employment. As a new institution, the Bureau of Manpower, Employment & Training (BMET) is currently the Ministry's only active unit. The objective BMET is to create new overseas employment opportunities through the global market. BMET ensures the welfare for the overseas employees and helps them directly to search works in the various countries of the world.

Migration Information Bureau

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Migration Information Bureau was set up in July 2006 and it has been in charge of prevention and awareness raising on the risks and costs of irregular migration. The Service has recently launched a documentary to be aired on all the country's TV channels and has been involved in Public Education Campaigns (PEC's) throughout the country, involving lectures, drama, stories of returnees, leaflets and posters.


Migrant Resource Centers (MRC's) in Nepal

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE), has established (with the support of IOM) a Migrant Resource Center in Kathmandu which provides correct and reliable information on overseas migration and destination countries to potential labour migrants. This includes mandatory pre-departure training to migrants, literacy training to families of migrants and entrepreneurship training to returnees - the MRC's have been expanded in order to cover more districts. Insurance is also mandatory for every departing migrant. 

Diaspora Support Unit

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Diaspora Support Unit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana hosts and maintains a diaspora website which serves as a platform for facilitating the engagement of the country’s emigrants in sustainable development by the Government of Ghana.

Migratory Act

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Mexico's new Migration Law specifically incorporates past GFMD recommendations to strengthen bilateral, regional and international cooperation to manage the flows of international migration and to incorporate migration in development policies and poverty-reduction strategies. The main tenet of the Migratory Act is the protection of human rights of migrants, especially women and children. Mexico recognizes the important contributions made by migrants to the host countries, as well as to their country of origin.

Subscribe to Objective 3: Provide accurate and timely information at all stages of migration