Recruitment of teachers and other specialists in the education sector from Mauritius by the Republic of Seychelles

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

A bilateral cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Seychelles and the Government of the Republic of Mauritius has been signed considering the mutual interest and benefits to be accrued to both parties in promoting closer cooperation in education and human resources development.

Main aims

Egyptian-Jordanian Cooperation in the Field of Labor Management

Submitted by Mr. Ace Paolo … on

The joint cooperation between Egypt and Jordan in the field of labor management aims at creating a safe, fair and stable work environment for Egyptian workers in Jordan and their employers. The Egyptian Ministry of Manpower and Immigration and the Jordanian Ministry of Labour are the main stakeholders. They are jointly responsible for the implementation of the 2007 Memorandum of Understating (MoU) and the 2016 Labor Agreement and managing the jointly-established channels of communication, as well as consultation mechanism. 

Main aim:

Bilateral Agreement on Circular Migration between Canada and Mauritius - Placement in Canada

Submitted by Mr. Ace Paolo … on

Mauritius has the opportunity to capitalise on migration as a tool for social development and economic growth. 

Mauritius became a member of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2006 with a view to getting the assistance of the organization for Labour Migration. Consequently, as from 2007, IOM has been assisting the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training (MLIRET) in facilitating the placement of Mauritian jobseekers in Canada. 

Porsche Training and Recruitment Center Asia

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Porsche Training and Recruitment Center Asia is a CSR programme that is designed for young, underprivileged Filipinos who want to become Porsche Service Mechatronics specialists.

During the 19-month programme, participants first receive a 10-month vocational training at the Don Bosco Technical Institute in Manila. Then the best 120 students are selected to proceed to a 9-month training taught by Porsche specialists and which also includes English classes.

Bilateral Agreements between Indonesia and Japan

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Indonesia has entered into bilateral agreement with several countries to improve the competences of Indonesian human resources through training programs, the development of competence standard and sharing of information related to labor market. More specifically, it has established cooperation with the Government of Japan on the placement of Indonesian health workers in Japan

Cooperation between Poland and Angola

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Poland has a strong cooperation with Angola. Its aim is principally to contribute to the sustainability of the Angola economic development.

At the same time it perfectly fits into the framework of the EU-Africa cooperation by addressing the needs of youth in the area of education and job creation, thus enhancing the economic potential of Angola. 

Shaping Migration for Sustainable Development

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

SDC and GIZ have joined forces and created a practice-oriented training course about the interplay of migration and development, making use of their mutual practical experience and involvement in international dialogue processes on migration.

Balancing conceptual and practice oriented modules, this 3-day training session is designed to learn actively how to turn migration into an effective development tool.  Information on coming trainings will be shared in a soon future.

Community Learning Centers

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Access to education is fundamental in leaving no one behind in the thrust towards SDGs. In that regard, Indonesia, working together with CSOs and private sectors, has established several community learning centers in Malaysia to ensure access to education for the children of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia.

While appreciating the Government of Malaysia for this policy, Indonesia calls on receiving countries to give broader access to education for migrants and their families.

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